Nok et band oppløses, denne gang Gwen Stacy

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Publisert 8:00 12 November, 2010

Metalcore-bandet Gwen Stacy var ikke blant de største bandene, men vi i Pyro har både intervjuet bandet og sett dem live. Fin gjeng. Nå er det over.

For her om dagen postet Gwen Stacy følgende på bloggen sin:

After six years, nineteen countries, countless US tours, two albums, and an EP, Gwen Stacy has decided call it quits. We feel like now is the best time to end the band and pursue other options and directions in life. We would like to thank everyone who has been involved with the bands career over the years. A few of the members will be starting new projects and we will be updating our pages as these projects start to unfold. We want to assure everyone that we are splitting up on good terms. We’re all excited to see what everyone has in store for their future endeavors.


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