Glyder gir seg

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Publisert 8:00 6 October, 2010

Stadig flere band gir seg, og denne gang gjelder det Pyro-favorittene i Glyder. Synd.

Pyro har spilt mye Glyder helt siden de ga ut sitt debut-album, og de siste ukene har du kunnet høre låter fra bandets tredje plate hos oss. Men nå kommer nyheten om at bandet gir seg. En overraskende nyhet, ettersom Glyder er et relativt nytt band på vei opp og frem. Men sånn er det i rocken. Noen kommer til og andre faller fra. Bare så synd at det var Glyders tur til å gi seg denne gangen. Pressemelding fra Bat fra Glyder kan du lese under:

“Things changed for GLYDER before the making of the third album and since then it’s been a struggle to keep going. Signing with SPV seemed like the Holy Grail, but the year it took to finalize the deal saw us all move in different directions. Financial strain and other factors wore away at the band for the past two years. The band seemed to be surrounded by incompetent people who did not fulfill their roles.

“I don’t want to make personal attacks on anyone or get in to bitter feuds but you all know the story of the rotten apple and that’s part of what happened to GLYDER. It’s a long story and as my ties to the band are deeper than music, I won’t be airing my dirty linen in public.

“I am a little sore as I put so much effort into this band but I will be taking a positive approach to the future and continuing on writing, recording and performing, blogging and doing what I do.

“I have material written for what was to be GLYDER’s fourth album. I am a serious songwriter and I have chosen to make music my career so if any international bands out there want a serious player to get involved with my options are open.”


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