Demonstrere mot Metallica?

Skrevet av:
Publisert 6:58 16 September, 2008

Dersom du er misfornøyd med lyden på DEATH MAGNETIC, kan du nå si din hjertens mening til sjefene i plateselskapet.

Her hjemme er det Universal Music som gir ut DEATH MAGNETIC, men i USA er det Warner Music som drar i trådene sammen med Metallicas management. Siden mange fans har ytrer misnøye med lyden på albumet, er det nå startet en kampanje for å få albumet remastret.

Her kan du se nærmere på kampanje, og eventuelt signere oppropet

Du kan også sende sinna protestmail, da må du cut & paste fra denne teksten:

And send e-mails to the Warner executives:

Dear Board of Directors, and Q-Prime,

Hello! My name is XXXXXX, and as a long time fan of the group Metallica, I have been eagerly awaiting the release of the hotly anticipated album Death Magnetic for quite some time. I rarely purchase CDs, but Metallica CDs always have been, and always will be the exception. I pre-ordered Death Magnetic from XXXXX, and I was pleased to recieve my order on Friday September 12th, the official date for the world wide release of Death Magnetic.

Unfortunately however, having followed much of the release information, I was painfully aware that there was a good chance that the final product would be of poor audio quality. I’m sad to report that this is the case: the retail copy of Death Magnetic has been digitally compressed to such a point that it is in fact painful to listen to. The compression has introduced unpleasant distortions in the sound, which has effectively ruined my enjoyment of what is an otherwise fine album. The music is fine, but the engineering that went into the album has effectively ruined what is another great success by Metallica.

Fortunately for me, I am not alone, as many others have expressed similar concerns. In fact, so many people are upset about this that as of the time of this writing, 1969 people have signed an online petition to get Death Magnetic remastered or remixed, which you can view here:

Therefore, I’m writing you to inform you that the version of Death Magnetic which I pre-ordered is unacceptable. I respectfully request that you immediately arrange to have the digital compression reversed. I realize that it may not be possible to somehow undo what exists on the physical CD, but waveform analysis of the promo, retail release, and Guitar Hero 3 versions of Death Magnetic conclusively demonstrate that the original waveforms were NOT compressed, and were added sometime after the recording of the album.

I would be happy to exchange the two copies of the inferior sounding albums which I bought, for two more copies which were mastered and/or mixed properly.

Furthermore, I have suggested that others who are displeased with the quality of your product also write you in this fashion.

I sincerely hope that we can all come to a mutually acceptable solution on this issue.

Thank you for your consideration.


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