The Elder – Pyro Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:21:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Trailer på The Elder-filmen! Mon, 22 Oct 2012 07:00:18 +0000

Harru sett. Det blir faktisk noe av filmen basert på den utskjelte konseptplaten Kiss ga ut for mange år siden.

For en stund siden kom en av våre favorittforfattere med den mystiske og enestående ideen om å lage en film som skulle baseres på Kiss-albumet The Elder som den gangen det kom fikk fansen til å få hjerteflimmer av raseri. Seb satte i gang, fikk interesserte til å bidra med midler, og før helgen kom den offisielle traileren på filmen. Det hele ser ganske så strålende ut, må vi medgi. Les mer om prosjektet på filmens bloggsider, og les gjerne intervjuet vi gjorde med Seb for noen måneder siden. Og se traileren under.

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Pyro fritter Seb Hunter ut om The Elder-prosjektet Mon, 21 Nov 2011 11:00:09 +0000

Vi intervjuer mannen som skal fullføre eventyret.

Vi fortalte deg nylig om det meget spennende prosjektet som forfatter Seb Hunter er i gang med, der han skal filmatisere den voldsomme Kiss-platen The Elder. Vi ble så revet med, ikke minst siden vi elsket Hunters Hell Bent For Leather-bok, at vi sporenstreks mailet noen spørsmål over Nordsjøen. Her har du de svært fine svarene fra Seb. Les mer om prosjektet hos oss. Gjør det. Før eller etter du har lest intervjuet under her.

-What have you been up to since you wrote the Hell Bent For Leather-book?

I have been living in a cave, waiting for the Darkness to split up. And it worked! They split up! Oh God, hold on…

Whilst in the cave I wrote a further four books: ROCK ME AMADEUS, about a rock fan (me) trying to get into classical music, HOW TO BE A BETTER PERSON, about me trying to improve myself by working for no money in all sorts of crazy places, MORE PARENTS, about my search for my birth mother (I am adopted), and now two novels, which I am working on simultaneously. I am also in four bands. And I have had two children. I am also now a woman. It’s been eight years, come on. Shit happens.

-Now you’re back in the metal with a wild and wonderful plan to make The Elder into a film. Why?

The idea just popped into my head one day. I realised immediately it was the greatest idea of all time, and certainly the greatest idea I had ever had. My wife disagreed. Having had the original idea, it then took lots of guts to actually consider making the movie myself. And quite a lot of whisky and psychiatry.

-How important was The Elder-record for you when you were younger?

It came between Unmasked and Creatures Of The Night, so of course it was important. Do we count Killers? These are the serious questions in life.

But when I first discovered the Elder, it was just another Kiss album, albeit a slightly different one to what I was used to. But that was OK. It was clearly ambitious. I too was ambitious. I do remember feeling, however, that the concept was somewhat half-baked. But that was OK, because Dark Light fucking rocked. And it still does. The malevolent order.

-Kiss-fans tend to either hate or love the record. Why do you think this is?

You’re right, they do. I really don’t know why it’s quite so polarising. Remember that by ’81 Kiss fans had already been subjected to the Simmons and Criss ’78 solo albums. The Elder sounds like Reign in Blood compared to those two records. My favourite thing about Peter Criss’s ’78 solo LP is that Criss – the band’s drummer – couldn’t even be arsed to play drums on his own solo album. You have to salute him for the sheer decadence and debauchery of this creative statement.

-As a Kiss-fan I’ve never quite understood the concept that they tried to develop. What’s your take on the story? And how will you transform that story onto the screen?

Well indeed. I don’t think they put much thought into the concept back in the day. It was a few broad brushstrokes. A bit of sword and sorcery. A boy, a quest, falsetto vocals over orchestra. Keep the plot nice and simple so that the eventual, inevitable filmmakers could stretch out with the material. Little did they realise it would be 30 years before anybody was stupid enough to try to make the actual movie. I mean visionary enough….

-What are the plans for the making of the movie in regards to funding, storyline, production, possible release-year?

I’m afraid that to answer this – extremely valid – question properly would take me about two hours’-worth of typing. Can I please instead refer your kindly readers to I answer all these questions and more on the movie site itself. Plus you get a little video. And some biscuits.

-Isn’t there a possibility that Gene $immon$ will make you pay for this? I mean, it will be hard to get permission to use music from the album in the film for starters.

I’m sure Gene will make me pay somehow. I imagine they’ll demand at least a percentage. Which of course I’ll give them.

-What do you think of the band Kiss in 2011?

You missed the R in brand there. And well, I saw Kiss on the Sonic Boom Over Europe Tour and was most impressed of all by Tommy Thayer. Which I wasn’t expecting. But I’d still rather have been disappointed by Ace. But hey. I’m a romantic. Kiss isn’t a romantic brand, let’s face it. Which is why I’m providing the romance myself. Somebody has to.

Underholdende video fra Seb:

Skal endelig Kiss-mesterverket (eller kalkunen om man hører på noen) endelig få den filmen som var planlagt?

I 1981 hadde Kiss forsøkt seg på både disco med Dynasty og myk poprock med Unmasked (begge deilige, husk det), men populariteten fortsatte å dale etter det ville 70-tallet. Kiss bestemmer seg da for å lage en konsept-plate til en fiktiv film kalt The Elder. Akkurat hva platen handler om, og hva filmen eventuelt skulle handle om, er ikke godt å si, men albumet har gått inn i Kiss-folkloren som en plate man enten hater intenst eller elsker høyere enn livet selv.

Engelske Seb Hunter har nå kommet opp med den geniale ideen om å lage The Elder-filmen. Noen husker kanskje Seb Hunter som mannen bak den strålende boken Hell Bent For Leather, som fortalte om en engelsk oppvekst som metal-fan. Den boken anbefales enormt. Og derfor er det ekstra spennende å se om Hunter får økonomisk backing fra folket der ute på sitt nye prosjekt. Sjekk hjemmesiden til The Elder-filmen her, og sjekk video-trailer under. Pyro kommer tilbake med mer når vi får tak i Seb.