sparket – Pyro Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:21:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Dan Nelson: – Jeg var ikke syk, og var klar for å spille konsert Wed, 22 Jul 2009 05:42:38 +0000
Dan Nelson er ute av Anthrax, men har endelig snakket offentlig om den underlige avlysningen av Europa-turneen. Han sier de andre i Anthrax løy da de sa han var syk.

The saga continues, og det er åpenbart at kaoset og dramet rundt såperoperaen Anthrax ikke på langt nær er ferdig. Våre kolleger i Blabbermouth, som tok tak i saken etter vi skrev at konserten i Oslo var avlyst, har nå fått et statement fra eks-Anthrax-vokalist Dan Nelson. Her har du den oppsiktsvekkende meldingen:

“On the advice of counsel, I have remained silent to the statements issued by ANTHRAX in recent days and now must address these issues to my loyal fans and others. I want to set the record straight.

“I was never seriously ill or sick at all, as reported in ANTHRAX‘s July 17, 2009 press release. This extremely inflammatory statement hurt me tremendously. This statement misled fans, friends and family members into believing that I was seriously ill when I was not. I was not aware such a statement was being issued and it came as a total shock to me, as I’m sure it did to all of you. It was the other band members’ decision to cancel the tour dates, not mine. I was ready, willing and able to do my job.

“After issuing the press release, the other band members decided, on their own accord, that I had ‘resigned’ from the band. I never resigned from the band.

“Even in view of this action and stance taken by the band, as late as earlier today I made it clear that I was ready willing and able to continue to fulfill my obligations. After that offer was made, the most recent press release was issued which announced my ‘confirmed’ departure from the band. I was not aware of the contents of this release until after it was issued, nor was I aware that ANTHRAX was canceling the European and SLIPKNOT tours.

“I regret any disappointment and confusion this situation has caused.

“I want to thank my loyal fans, family and friends for all their support and their many messages, emails and calls.

“My counsel has been instructed to take any and all appropriate actions to address this situation.”

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