Atlas – Pyro Wed, 25 Nov 2015 10:21:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Parkway Drive med klar beskjed til Norge: BRING IT! Thu, 15 Nov 2012 15:33:10 +0000

I vår spilte de på John Dee. Nå er Parkway Drive oppgradert til svære Sentrum Scene. Vi pratet litt med vokalist Winston, og du kan vinne billetter.

Parkway Drive fra Australia
er et av de råeste bandene i metalverden akkurat nå. Helt sant. Jeg så dem live på John Dee i vår en gang, og det var totalt hakeslepp, bakoversveis, tenna i tapeten, moshpitesque og så videre. Sjekk bare denne rapporten om MAGISK MOSHPIT PÅ JOHN DEE.

Siden den gang har de gitt ut killerplaten Atlas, som er fylt til randen av breakdowns, fete refrenger, tighta riffs og digg vokal.

På tirsdag er Parkway Drive tilbake i Oslo (sammen med Emmure, The Word Alive og Emmure, vinn GRATISbilletter her!), men nå på svære Sentrum Scene. I den anledning mailet vi litt med vokalist Winston om forventninger og breakdowns og  vær og vind og surf.

Hey guys! Saw you at John Dee this spring, it was 100% awesome.  This time you’re playing for a much bigger audience at Sentrum, what are your expections for the show?
– The last show was awesome, so you guys have a lot to live up to hahaha, the pressure is on Oslo to deliver a crazy show, we are just the soundtrack!

How has the shows been so far on the tour?
– Amazing!!! So far the reaction has been so much bigger than we could ever have expected. I think i’m going deaf from people singing along so loud.

When you heard the breakdown in Swing – with the “mooooootherfuckeerr!!” part – for the first time from the studio speakers, mixed and mastered,  what was your initial reaction?
– My first reaction was fear for anyone in the pit when that breakdown drops.

My favorites from the album right now are Swing, Wild Eyes and Dark Days. Which songs are your favorites to play live?
– So far we are only playing a small selection, but Swing, Dark Days and Blue and the Grey are my favourites. The crowd react differently to all of them and i love them all for different reasons.

A friend of mine texted me after he heard “Wild Eyes”, and said “wow, what an epic Iron Maiden-esque singalong”, agree/disagree?
– Agree, although less Iron Maiden, more football match.

Any message/warning/welcome to your Norwegian friends before the show
on Tuesday?
– Bring it!

Point break or beach break?
– Beach break if we are talking about actual waves, Point Break if we are talking about movies, 50 year storm, Bells beach, Johnny Utah.

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